Tickets for Reunion Gala
   $75.00 per person
Ticket includes hors douerves, cash bar, DJ, and a few surprises!
When: Saturday, Saturday 19, 2009, 7:00 PM - midnight
Where: Eagles Landing Country Club

Select Ticket

Step 1 of 3
Select the number of tickets you want to purchase. (Name fields will then appear)
Enter the first and last name(s) of the registrant(s) in the fields.
Click on submit at the bottom of the page to continue.
Ticket for the Main Event$100.00
This ticket includes dinner, booze, entertainment, and a few surprises !
When:Saturday, July 19, 2008 7:00 PM
Where:The Ballroom at the Loews, Philadelphia
Number of Tickets:
Your credit card statement will show a charge
for this transaction from*springfield.m.